4 januari 2007

De lange weg naar Roemenie

De vrouw die vrijdag op kantoor kwam (zie 11 december) mailde mij. Omdat ik niet in de UK woon stuurde ze me door naar de volunteer coordinator in Brasov. Deze vrouw liet een goede week op zich wachten, maar doordat de Britse haar naam genoemd had, wist ik met behulp van google een Roemeenstalige weblog op te goochelen, waarvan de schrijfster over de hospice schreef en daarbij het emailadres van de coordinator opnoemde. Die heb ik de 24ste dus een prettige kerst gewenst (goede binnenkomer, zeker bij een organisatie gebouwd is op geloof). Dit waardeerde ze zeer, bleek uit de mail van 27 december:

Dear Chiel,
Hope you had a wonderful time for Christmas and are ready to greet the new year!

Thank you for your message and your offer to come and help us. It is really wonderful when people from so far away offer their time and experience!!

I'm not sure if Maria had the time to tell you about the Hospice and the procedures we apply here. First of all volunteers need to fill in a form and send it back to me / Maria (for the British volunteers), and then - depending upon our needs & schedule and their offer & schedule we try to make a certain plan. In other words we have many volunteers helping out here - thank God for that!, so we have to make sure there is enough for them to do while they are here. Therefore, I'll attach our Application Form and kindly ask you to fill it in.

Thank you again for your time and willingness to help us!
May you have a fulfilling new year!

Het sollicitatieformulier stuurde ik, inclusief als bijlagen bijgevoegd een scan van mijn paspoort en een in elkaar geflanste CV (de CV dingen kwamen in het sollicitatie formulier ook al aan de orde), op nieuwjaarsdag, een mooie gelegenheid om te feliciteren met het lid worden van de EU, terug. De CRB-disclosure, een verklaring dat ik geen strafblad heb, stuurde ik niet mee omdat ze die volgens eigen zeggen, zelf zouden kunnen regelen. Op 3 januari had ik overdag geen internet, maar 's avonds na mijn werk kwam ik erachter dat ik al om half twee 's middags antwoord terug gestuurd had gekregen:

Dear Chiel,
Thank you for your prompt response and for your greetings re the EU. I hope the both parts benefit from our joining the Union. It seems quite natural to be in actually. I see little point for the existance of boundaries and taxes and stuff. Simply dividing people. Anyway...

I was quite impressed with your volunteering work so far - I too am very interested in volunteering (not just as a volunteer coordinator, but as a proper volunteer. In fact that's one of my favourite activities as well) and in environmetal work. So I would very much like to talk to you about that.

As for the application proper - let me tell you what my worries are right now.

1. the CRB check - We definetely need that. Can't work without it. Even out staff from the UK visiting our Hospive need it... Unfortunately I don't know how it works in Holland - getting it I mean. In Romania we go on our own to the Police Staion and get it. No other institution is involved. In the UK there are 2 possibilities - either on your own, or the organization can help you somehow. But I know nothing of Holland, so I don't think I can help you there. Could you please find that out? Because I think it would be much harder for me to do that from over here.

2. the dates - the CRB check take some time to get. Not sure how much in Holland. Meaning, I'm not sure if you can get it until your visit to Romania... But we will know that for sure once you find out more about it, won't we... There's one more thing - which is even more important than this one: in the Hospice we work with a lot of volunteers. Currently we have over 100 Ro vols so we need to work according to our needs, and programme the vols. When it comes to foreign vols - it is always a pleasure working with them. We like learning new things from them, their input is always welcome. But we still have to work with volunteers according to our needs at that particular time. And in that period we have many foreign volunteers already. I don't think we can have another one... I have to talk to one of the heads of departments here, but she's on holiday at least till next week... hmm... Therefore, I was thinking, could you change your tickets to a later period this year? Late March / April?

Hope we can work this out.
Many thanks for your desire to help us!

Daarom sprak ik vandaag voor het eerst in mijn leven een politieagente in functie. Deze verwees me door naar het gemeentehuis, waar ik het Aanvraagformulier Verklaring Omtrent het Gedrag Natuurlijke Personen ontving. Deze dient ondertekend en gestempeld te worden door de instelling waarvoor ik hem nodig heb. Ik hoop dat ze genoegen nemen met een ge-emailde stempel en handtekening, anders moet ik ze zelf maken...

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